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Friday, February 28, 2014


As I haven't got time to read my own books, I'll do a review of one book which we had to read for highschool.

The book we read was Tirant Lo Blanc, written by Joanot Martorell. It's a very important book for the literature because it changed the way of writting (not just about war and knights stories) introducing heroes showing human characteristics, like Tirant a hero that cries and he also broke his leg twice. Now it's a normal thing, but in those days, it was the most modern literature for all those aspects. At first I didn't like the idea of having to read one of "the classics of literature" because everyone said that it was very boring, and it's written in an old catalan, so it's difficult to read sometimes. I actually enjoyed! Perhaps it was because I had the lowest expectations for that book that it surprised me when I found out that it wasn't as bad as everyone says. 

The book is divided by two main stories: Tirant going to war and Tirant falling in love with Carmesina.
Tirant was a very honored knight who was always fighting against the Turks, he was nobel and loyal to his homeland: he was a hero, but he was also human. He felt in love with the daughter of the king of Constantinoble and they married secretly. I found that the part of war it was a little boring because all the battles were always against the Turks and they were very similar so it's a little bit confusing if you have to situate the battles (which one goes first?), but the part of love, the part of the social problems we might say, it's very funny and it's easy to get hooked.

I wouldn't  recomend it, but I would say that for the people who has to read it compulsery it's not as bad as it looks like!

Tirant lo Blanc
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014


At the end of February, in Barcelona, they're going to do the Mobile World Congress, that it's known worldwide and it's a big contribution for the city. 
The congress it's an exhibition of mobile companies from 200 different nations, where they can expose their newest electronic devices.  They do conferences to announce the news, meetings and all the things you can imagine related with mobile phones. There you can find some famous people, like Mark Zuckerberg.

Last year there was around 72.000 trade visitors, 1.900 exhibitors and 300 keynote speakers.

Mark Zuckerberg doing a conference
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That's a video where it shows the place where the MWC is and their highlights:



The scientists announced this month of a new research. They have found out that having a broken heart can cause more than the risk of having depression and anxiety. In fact there are proves that showed that you can have a heart failure after a few months that someone very close to you dies.

The broken heart syndrome starts with an "overdose of adrenmaline" which is normally a great fact, but mixed with emotional distress it can be very bad. Other sympthoms are hair loss, cold and flu, headaches, asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes...

They can prove this new theory because they have found examples of it in popular couples: The Prime Minister James Callaghan, who died eleven days after his wife, and also the famous country singer Johnny Cash died of died of diabetes four months after his wife.

Former Prime Minister James Callaghan died of pneumonia aged 92 in 2005, just 11 days after his wife of 67 years, Audrey
The Prime Minister and his wife
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In 2003, singer Johnny Cash, died at 71 ¿ ostensibly of complications related to diabetes ¿ just four months after wife June
Johnny cash and June, his wife.
Image source

Although scientists say that it has been proved, it seems difficult to believe because those examples could be just a coincidence. But it's easy to relate that the fact of being depressive when somebody who you loved dies, the depression also takes different damages, not just being sad.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Orphan Black is about one girl, Sarah, who has arrived at her hometown after ten months. When she came back, at the train station, she saw an identical girl killing herself by jumping in front of the train.
Sarah had no idea of who she was but she stoled her handbag and she found her house keys and two mobile phones. She went to her house and she decides that she'll pretend to be the girl who killed herself. After that she'll have a lot of troubles with her false identity (her real and fake boyfriend, her fake job as a policewoman, the mystery of the second mobile phone, ...) but the most important thing is that she'll find out that she's a clone and that there're more like her. 
She's a clone, but she has something that any of the other clones have: a daughther.

The "sisters"!
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I really liked this serie, I think that it's very interesting the way that it's focused, about all the cloning experiments that aren't allowed in real life (yet), and it also has a lot of mistery, at the end of each episode you want to see more. What I love the most are the characters, all the clones are so well played for just one actress, they all have very different lives and ways to express themselves. My favourite character it's Fe, the stepbrother of Sarah, he's the one who'll make you laugh!

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