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Monday, October 8, 2012


My top song is Wings, because the group, Little Mix, were the winners of the X Factor of the last year. I followed every episode and I was so fan of Little Mix, they were the best. Wings is the first song that they published, and  it really makes me feel in a very good mood.

Mamma told me not to waste my life / La mare em va dir que no desperdicies la vida
She said spread your wings my little butterfly / Ella va dir "desplega les ales petita papallona meva"
Don't let what they say keep you up at night / No permetis que el que et diguin et mantingui desperta a la nit
And if they give you shh... / I si t'envien a fer punyetes,
Then they can walk on by / Llavors ells poden passar de llarg

My feet, feet can't touch the ground / Els meus peus no poden tocar el terra
And I can't hear a sound / I no puc sentir cap soroll
But you just keep on running up your mouth yeah / Però tu continua parlant malament de mi, yeah.

Walk, walk on over there / Passa del que et diguin
'Cos I'm too fly to care, oh yeah / Perquè estic massa amunt perquè m'importi

Your words don't mean a thing / Les teves paraules, no m'importen res
I'm not listening / No estic escoltant
Keep talking, all I know is / Continua parlant, tot el que sé és:

Mamma told me not to waste my life / La mare em va dir que no desperdicies la meva vida
She said spread your wings my little butterfly / Ella va dir "desplega les ales petita papallona meva"
Don't let what they say keep you up at night /  No permetis que el que et diguin no et deixi dormir a la nit
And they can't detain you / Ells no et poden parar
'Cos wings are made to fly / Perquè les ales estan fetes per volar
And we don't let nobody bring us down / I no deixarem que ningú ens enfonsi
No matter what you say it won't hurt me / No importa el que diguis, no em ferirà
Don't matter if I fall from the sky / No passa res si caic del cel
These wings are made to fly / Aquestes ales estan fetes per volar

'Huh huh'...

I'm firing up on that runway / Em drogo per escaparme
I know we're gonna get there someday / Sé que algun dia arribarem allà
But we don't need no ready steady go, no / Però nosaltres no necessitem un  "preparats, llestos, ja", no

Talk, talk turns into air / Parla, les paraules es tornen en aire
And I don't even care, oh yeah / I encara no m'importa
Your words don't mean a thing / Les teves paraules no m'importen res
I'm not listening / No estic escoltant
Keep talking, all I know is / Continua parlant, tot el que sé és:


I don't need no one saying hey, hey, hey, hey / No necessito a ningú dient hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
I don't hear no one saying hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey / No sento a ningú dient hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
You better keep on walking / Millor que continuïs caminant
I don't wanna hear your talking BOY / No et vull sentir parlant, NOI
You better keep on walking /Millor que continuïs caminant
I don't wanna hear your talking BOY / No et vull sentir parlant, NOI

Your words don't mean a thing / Les teves paraules no m'importen res
I'm not listening / No estic escoltant
They're just like water off my wings / Només són com aigua a les meves ales



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