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Friday, November 28, 2014


The past three months the Ebola virus increased a lot. There was a case of Ebola in Spain, and many others in America. The problem is that instead of trying to heal just one person in our country we should help the people who are suffering the Ebola the most: in West Africa. 

A news article from The Guardian says that the cases of Ebola had increased a lot in a few weeks and that almost half of the people who were infected have died. Liberia is the city where has registered more cases and deads, but Sierra Leone is the city where the virus is spreading faster. Those two cities citizens' are in a state of malnutrition and undernutrition. 
 The scientists have said that they're making a progress in the creation of a vaccine and nowadays they've created an experimental one.

In my opinion it's unfair that we're not helping those countries to improve the situation because the Ebola is a problem that we all can have. As we have experimented before, when the spanish priestb was infected by Ebola, Spain spent millions of euros to bring him back to Spain to heal him. It doesn't make any sense to me for two simple reasons:
  1. A singe mistake in the process of carrying the priest to Spain could couse infection through all the country. And in the end the poor man died, so all the movement was made in vain.
  2. All the money that we spend would be more useful if we brought specialised doctors to Africa and then try to solve the problem there, because it's where the virus mostly lives. 



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