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Wednesday, November 21, 2012


The graphic shows that I'm a very intrapersonal person, it's my highest intelligence. I also have high the linguistic and the logical intelligence. The lowest one it's the naturalistic and they're right. I don't like too much this kind of things, biology it's not my favourite subject, I just found it interesting, but nothing more. I agree with almost everything, because I'm a very shy person. I'm always thinking and rarely saying it out loud.
I thought that the lowest thing would be the body smart, because sports are not my strong point and I get tired so easy, and I'm not as bad as I though.
About the other intelligences they're right: I love writing and logical problems.

If I could boost some of my intelligences I will improve my people smart, perhaps it's a thing that I will need in the future, to expressing my ideas to people. The text says that for being more interpersonal I have to introduce myself, speak with security and say hello, thanks, wish a good day and all this things will make me more confident. Also working in a group it will make it easy for me, but I got so nervous so I have to practise a lot. 

The intrapersonal intelligence career chart gives lots of jobs. I may like to be psychic in the future, or having my own small bussiness. It sounds interesting being a trend predictor. I would love to be a writer, but I don't know if I will have enough inspiration and creativity for write so many books. Perhaps being a writer it would be a hobby, because I don't thing that I can earn enough money for living of that.

I can use this information for knowing myself a little better and for beginning to have a direction in life. 
If I become a psychic I will help people who has a chronic disease, I think that I can contribute to society whith that, because I could settle problems that the people have.


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