Is the PBL succesful? Project Based Learning is about critical thinking, collaboration and comunication. It's based on learning in projects as the name itself says. The teacher tries to connect with the students explaining situations that could happen in real life and with that, students are interested in the subject.
I see why this way of teaching is better for us, but I don't know if it's a better way of learning for all the students because we will also forgot things. Perhaps not as quick as with the old method but it will also go out my mind.
Also working on projects and collaborating with your mates requires a lot of free time. But with extra activities, homework, exams and considering the fact that sometimes your mate it isn't your neighbour it's difficult to meet and do projects together. We're lucky to have internet these days but, if you want to be really good you have to meed¡t with your partner to organize and talk. It's too much.
I really believe that this method has more advantatges than the older one but I don't know if it would work for all the subjects.
The Project Based Learning would work if all the subjects applied to this project by working more in groups because we also work on projects but not like PBL. Combining both methods, in my opinion is a little bit stressful.
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