A recent study at the University of Cambridge states that some of our DNA is not from our ancestors. It is believed that those genes are foreign, and by that they mean that we acquired the foreign genes from some microorganisms who lived with the human race millions of years ago. Another thing that they state is that it might be in consequence of them that the species can evolve. The scientists who discovered that are aiming to chance the point of view of the evolution. They found the same mocroorganism in another species
It fascinates me how everyday people are trying to understand the way how everything works. Although the experiments are not useful to find an answer, they open another ways of exploring our world and ourselves so someday, we will know something sure.
The article surprised me because in theory, we already know our structure and all of our genes. We have the genoma code, which is a very, very, very long of each gen that everyone has. What I'm trying to say is that we'll never be 100% sure about how we got to live and that discoverys like those makes you questionate if all the concepts, ideas that we take for granted are really true.
News source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2994187/Mystery-alien-genes-Scientists-discover-DNA-NOT-ancestors-say-change-think-evolution.html
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